Some of the lowest performing city schools could be turned around after legislation passed in May. Testing ground for a new teacher performance evaluation will take place in some of the city's worst performing schools and hope to make them better.
Out of 34 low performing schools, 11 of them will become testing grounds for the new program and 23 of them will be shut down or turned into smaller, charter school districts.
Under the new program, "masters teachers" and "turnaround teachers" will earn 30% more than regular teachers, and will have the task of teaching teachers in addition to their full time classroom responsibilities.
The hope is that the quality of educators will increase, and that the children of New York City will get some of the best education that the country has to offer.
In addition, teachers will have a new incentive to improve their classroom experience. At the end of the year teachers will be dubbed ineffective, effective, or highly effective based on their students' performance.
Ineffective teachers that are ranked as such for two consecutive years face firing via an expedited hearing process.
Something like this should have been done a long time ago. Teachers, just as any other professionals, should be held accountable for doing their jobs. An investment fund manager that loses money for two consecutive years would likely be fired - and why should a teacher be any different?
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