Cigar Guy at Tiger Woods’ Ryder Cup 2010 photo remains to be at the forefront of viral success. Cigar Guy is a strange character who appears to be of middle eastern descent, who is puffing on a cigar. Many people thought that Cigar Guy was wearing a Turban, but it’s really a wig.
I thought it was a wig all along. I wonder why he did that…it’s a woman’s reddish brown hair wig.
Perhaps the “cigar guy” staged this whole thing. It’s hard to imagine that anyone would go to a golf tourney on British soil dressed like a New York City Cabbie.
Still yet, Cigar Guy is providing hours of fun photoshop entertainment for millions around the world who should, in all actuality, be doing better things.
A Cigar Guy VIDEO can be found here.
The identity of the Cigar Guy is still unknown, although there are some out there who are offering up rewards to know his identity. I’m waiting for Weird Al to make a parody of “Real Cigar Guy” to the Eminem hit “Real Slim Shady.”
What are your thoughts about the Cigar Guy from Tiger Woods’ Ryder Cup photo?