However, Parental Advocates are up in arms because a man's adult magazine has very provocative photos of girls who play high schoolers.
However, the actresses in the GQ Glee photo shoot are in their 20's.
This isn't the first time that there's been a controversy over the appropriateness of a photo shoot or video. Recently, Miley Cyrus released a music video that was criticized as too racy because it featured the teenager singing provocatively in her underwear on a bed.
Below is a video about the Glee Photo Shoot. What are your views? Was it too much?
Too much! Or maybe too little....clothing that is. I know the actors are in their 20s and CAN do what they want, but they are portraying kids in high school....therin lies the problem.
ReplyDeleteI sincerity hope that as adults we (GQ is an adult magazine after all) aren't so disconnected from reality that can't understand the difference between an adult actor and the roll they portray.
ReplyDeleteIf they were to show up on the show in red bras, panties and high heels I would see a problem. But they didn't it's a separate venue to a separate audience.
As to sexualized high-school age girls... It's mid October, you can buy a sexy-school-girl costume (meant to be worn by adults) in every department store in the country. I think we're a little late to prevent it.
Ya its bad but they never said this show was for kids. I mean there are sexual references in the show and a girl gets pregnant.Its sad for anyone to think they have to portray themselves in such a way. But where is all this controvesy when we're talking about Miley Cyrus whose biggest fans are 5-10 year olds. These little girls are looking up to her and shes portraying the same sexuality and I see no one saying anything about that
ReplyDeleteThe photos are inappropriate in any context, family or not. Portraying sexy school girls, SCHOOL girls, is portraying an illegal activity--child porn.