Insheeption at South Park transpired last night. While South Park ’s Insheeption was far less viral than last week’s take on Jersey Shore , it was sure hilarious! The show parodied both the reality show “Hoarders” and the summer hit “Inception.”
Hoarders is about people who won’t get rid of anything – and in South Park Stan was accused of being a “locker hoarder” and during an intervention insists on being allowed to keep a maggot covered sandwhich.
And then there’s Inception.
During rehab, Stan is with a “Sheep Hoarder”, Mr. Mackey, and himself and that’s where Inception starts. Mr. Mackey has a dream, which gets more and more dangerous, and people like Matt Hasselbeck, firemen, and Leonardo Dicaprio and a gang of spies all go in to get him. In the end, it’s Freddy Krueger who reluctantly signs up to pull him out of the dream.
While not as funny as the South Park episode, this was still a great South Park episode. Insheeption was definitely on the mark with their Hoarders and Inception parodies.
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