Perhaps it's the perpetual drunkenness, the bad hair...or maybe it's that she got punched on the pilot. Still yet, if you watch Jersey Shore you know who Snooki is.
So what's up with the Snooks? We're here to give you the Snooki update of the Day.
Snooki is featured in a Just Dance 2 commercial, although from the looks of it, she doesn't look so hot. In addition, she was recently made fun of in South Park.
Internet rumors also point to the possibility that Snooki will have her own spinoff reality show, which will be a dating show. Can you imagine a bunch of fist-pumping hair gel saturated fake baked guidos vying for Snooki? I wonder if it will be called Snooki want smoosh smoosh?
This is your Snooki update for the day. Below see a video about Snooki vs Kim Kardashian - which is the booty queen?
Wow Kim Kardashian is WAYY HOTTER than Snooki will ever be! Kim's classy, while Snooki is kinda trashy.