Sunday, October 10, 2010

Karen Owen Powerpoint Presentation Becomes Viral

Karen Owen Powerpoint Presentation becomes viral. The Karen Owen PowerPoint presentation was a mock thesis by a Duke Grad, who was inspired to create said presentation when one of her "exploits" asked her where he ranked on her "f***" list.

Of course, you know as well as I do that the list was not meant for millions of people to see. However, she sent it to a couple of friends who couldn't keep the presentation a secret and then it made it all the way to the desks of Gawker.

What strikes me as weird is that people feel sorry for the men listed in the Powerpoint presentation, and are condemning the girl who let the presentation leak. However, if the roles were reversed the women would be chastised for blatant promiscuity, while the man would be getting virtual high fives for being such a stud.

So far, it's uncertain whether or not Karen Owen will have legal ramifications for making the PowerPoint presentation. I think Karen Owen PowerPoint will be discussed for a few more days, then forgotten.

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