Kardashian is hoping that her uber-expensive birthday cake will put her in good position to win the most expensive cake ever made award. Only time will tell if she will be able to pull in that victory.
The fab diva also got herself a birthday present - a Rolls Royce. That's what USA Today is reporting, anyways.
In a weird twist, US Weekly is reporting that the rumors of the $1 million cake are just that - rumors. So who do you believe? Us Weekly or the news video below?
Kim has always said that the relationship with Reggie was good. The reason she has stated over and over again is the reason they broke it off is because he doesn't like all the publicity. When he got involved with her did he think it was going to go away??? Maybe he should have though about it before he got into the relationship in the first place. My heart goes out to both of them. They both like what they do but neither one wants to give up what they doe for a living. I guess it just wasn't meant to be! Too bad, they seem like a great couple.