Monday, November 1, 2010

Charlie Chaplin Time Travel & Traveler Explanation

Charlie Chaplin Time Travel & Traveler Explanation. The explanation for the elusive "Charlie Chaplin time traveler" is available. After all, the Charlie Chaplin time traveler sounded like a weird story, to me.

As the story claims, a lady was on a cell phone in a video which was shot in 1923. One expert claimed that this indicates that some are able to travel through time. Many conspiracy theorists thought that this explanation made sense.

Not everyone is buying it. As the story goes, there is the possibility, no matter how remote, that this is NOT a time traveler, rather someone with a hearing aid.

Still others aren't buying that explanation, either claiming that there's no visible vacuum tube. Another popular explanation is that the "time traveler" is really someone who THINKS they can talk on a cell phone or a phone.

One thing is for certain - we will never know exactly who the "Charlie Chaplin Time Traveler" is and what she was truly doing. What are your thoughts?

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