Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Deanna Favre Jenn Sterger Look a Like?

Deanna Favre pictures look like Jenn Sterger photos. Deanna Favre has been married to former Green Bay Packers QB turned Jets QB turned Vikings QB Brett Favre for 14 long years. It's not been easy for Deanna, dealing with Brett's vicodin use and penchant for lovely ladies.

In fact, it has always been something for her. 14 years later she still has drama, as Brett allegedly sent Jenn Sterger nude photos.

Of course, there's been no verification of the photos and there's no guarantee that they are real. However, the NFL is investigating the claims as they do not take kindly to sexual harassment or inappropriate behavior in any way, shape, or form.

However, there's no harm in searching for Deanna Favre photos and Jenn Sterger photos What's striking is that both women have a strong resemblance. Favre is definitely a lucky man as Deanna is a complete knockout.

I'd say he's lucky about Sterger as well, but she turned him down according to the story.

Brett Favre finds his wife sexy. How do I know? Well, Favre's chosen lady is a Deanna Favre look-a-like.


  1. Then why is he straying out of his marriage?

  2. If any of this is true, what a PIG.

  3. "Then why is he straying out of his marriage?"

    You obviously aren't a man. I don't condone it, but I understand.

  4. Favre is being exposed for the addict he really is. He is addicted to fame, women, and who knows what else. He is willing to wreck his marriage and tarnish his hall of fame career. He is past his prime in so many ways.

  5. Women don't belong in mens locker rooms or in constant contact with these athletes...guys are guys and there's lot's of testosterone raging on the football field...if he did this i don't condone this tho...i know it happens all the time...

  6. What has the NFL ever done to protect its employees from harassment?

  7. Sterger is a younger version of his wife, but not necessarily hotter. Deanna is bangin', but I think it was the thrill of pursuing a young lady who fit his type (stacked brunette like Deanna) and stepping out on his wife, which some men get a rush from. I don't. I think it's despicable.


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