Four people remain - Kyle Massey and Bristol Palin, Jennifer Grey and Brandy make up the final four. Next week, one person will be sent home and we will know who will be on the final show.
Will next week be the week that Bristol goes home, or will she be able to make it to the finals? Jennifer Grey and Brandy are by far the two most talented of the remaining group, and if Jennifer Grey won, it would be a great tribute to Patrick Swayze, the late actor that starred along side her in Dirty Dancing.
To answer your question "Who Got Voted Off Dancing with the Stars" is easy - it was Kurt Warner. He was sent home on DWTS.
DWTS is a joke this season. No talent is not being voted off & the judges ae too lenient in their comments to Bristol.
ReplyDeleteI am boycotting dwts as of this. It is a joke this year.
Really...are you kidding me...you have let real
ReplyDeletetalent go...and Bristol is still there. DWTS
has gone down hill this year.
I am so upset that they voted off Kurt. He is charming and he has grown and performed amazingly these past weeks. He was really a breath of fresh air. It kind of brought one back to times where people had manners and home breeding. He is a wonderful role model and I'll miss watching him dance along with his lovely wife and children. Thats it for me and for a lot of people I know who will not be watching the show anymore. Bad form peope!
ReplyDeleteI like Bristol ok but she is NOT a better dancer than Kurt Warner, that is for sure. They are keeping her on there for ratings...if they think she's actually getting them some. I do like DWTS and will keep watching...but am hoping Bristol is the next to G-O!!!!
ReplyDeleteGo Jen
ReplyDeleteMax needs to grow up and man up! The criticism from the Judge was about him not Brandy. This is a competition not a "give me my due show" . The other dancers and pros are good people and athletes as well; part of a performance competition is dealing with the judges and figuring out a way to win. Any male jerk can fight and pop off at a woman judge on national television and try to spin that he was actually defending the honor of his female student. Carrie Anne did her job and called it as she saw it , Max should act like the pro he says he is and figure out how to keep his cool when he is not getting the praise or glory he thinks he deserves. Athletes and professional dancers compete. Grace under pressure is good a lesson to teach aspiring dancers, "Max cracked and that's a fact !!! "
ReplyDeleteEven DWTS is about politics! It's the Republicans voting for that girl because she is Sarah Palin's daughter. Clearly she hasn't even got raw talent. She should have been gone a few weeks ago so who the hell do you think is still voting for her? I have nothing against the girl but give me a break! I feel bad for Brandy. Did you see her face? I'm sure she is thinking that she hasn't got a chance now. She doesn't know whether people just don't like her or whether Max's big mouth ruined it for her.
ReplyDeleteForget about DWTS. Bristol Palin will win. Too bad, a great show gone political! I stop watching the show.
ReplyDeleteWho the hell is voting for Bristol???????? Come on people this is a "dancing" competition- the fact she is even on the show is ridiculous!!!!!!! But that's just my opinion.
ReplyDelete...I am a republican and I didn't vote for Bristol P...she is not graceful and cannot dance...suprised she wasn't voted off the show weeks ago...sorry to see Kurt go...great team player, polite, kind, thoughtful, and he really has improved over the course of the show...ratings will go down now that he's off the show :(
ReplyDeleteI see this season is all about the ratings. It is obvious Bristol can't dance and regardless of what she does, the judges give her praise. She is HORRIBLE. Why am I the only one who seems to notice that.
ReplyDeleteBristol can't dance. And when did she become a star? Last time I checked she is just a teenager who got knocked up. When did America start celebrating that....
ReplyDeleteBristol should have been gone weeks ago, She cannot dance. Judges are too unfair with comments. I stop watching watching this show.
ReplyDeleteI smell something fishy, and definitely stinky, as to why Bristol is still on the show. First of all, she is no celebrity or star. She is a nobody who became infamous for being a teenage mother and for being a daughter to that loud-mouthed mother. If the show execs let her stay on any longer, I will boycott the show altogether. Are the execs being pressured by her mother, who gets into everyone's business except her own family's? Why is Sarah Palin keeps showing up at the shows? Doesn't she want to spend more time attacking President Obama? Bristol can't dance and she does not even look like she wants to be there. She should be kicked off the 2nd week. DWTS is going down the toilet!
ReplyDeleteYes its the tea party voting- shame on ABC
ReplyDeleteIt's either the tea party voting or it's the same people who are out of their mind last Tuesday when they sent the Republicans back to the House after what they did to the country for 8 long years!
ReplyDeleteThe only people voting for Bristol is the Tea Party. She has zero talent and should have been gone long ago. I thought this was a dancing competition, not a political rally.
ReplyDeleteDancing with the Stars has been very biased or protective of Bristol. Not the same judging standards have applied to her.
Won't watch it anymore.
Bristol will win!!
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that the ratings for DWTS will tumble just like the ratings did for American Idol. I agree with everyone who said that the show has now gone political. Even my 11yr old daughter has the same opinion. Bristol needs to go. She doesn't deserve to be in the final four.
ReplyDeleteABC has won . . .They are getting all this attention because of a young unwed mother who is an activist, NOT a star. I do feel for Bristol because You can clearly see she is uncomfortable competing.
ReplyDeleteBut, isn't it the viewers that vote who stays on the show?
Shame on You DWTS viewers that ruined what was once was a Good show.
But I LOVE Tom Bergeron as Host.
Without roasting Bristol Palin on a spit (she doesn't deserve that level of criticism, as she is not her mother), there is something 'not right' with the producers of this show.
ReplyDeleteEach week -and during this season- there is the requisite comment, while showing either the bottom three or two- that these couples "may not necessarily in the bottom two." This is a blatantly misleading statement. It implies that the statement "You are SAFE" or "You are in JEOPARDY" are not necessarily true.
For nine years, watchers and voters have been led to believe that the couples in the BOTTOM two or three were there based on the number of votes. Now, we're realizing that by telling a couple "safe" or "jeopardy" are not reflective or accurate representations of the number of votes. In fact, it's nothing short of emotional manipulation of a standing. Case in point: were Brandy and Max REALLY in the bottom two, or did the producers CREATE this pseudo standing to send a message to voters? Should Bristol and Mark been standing next to Kurt and Anna? A coworker asked me on Tuesday morning who was going home; I said it was Kurt because I could see it coming, and it would have nothing to do with his talent.
"DWTS" was -WAS- supposed to be a show about celebrities from all walks of life (preferably those who didn't include dance as their sole source of income) taking on, tackling, and improving their way through ballroom dancing. There shouldn't be RINGERS. No one is supposed to be dubbed "The CHOSEN One" (Carrie Ann to Jennifer Grey). The fairness of the voting has gone away with the content of the judging. I'll take Len ANY DAY because he's a purist of the sport, and provides both technical and aesthetic criticism.
Maybe people are voting for Bristol because she seems vulnerable and nice. Remember they are supposed to be amateur dancers? People do like the underdog. I love Jennifer G but she is not an amateur! Remember the movie she danced in?! Last year a pussy cat doll won...They are professional dancers...A spice Girl...Pro dancer...Even Donny Osmond has been professionally dancing his whole life! If you don't like Bristol vote her off. Get a grip! There is no conspiracy! Remember when Shannon D was the first one to go? She was better than a lot of them...People just don't like her...this is a popularity contest.