Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Who Was Eliminated On Dancing With The Stars?

Who was eliminated home on Dancing With the Stars? Tonight's Dancing with the Stars elimination was a big deal, as it marks the semifinals. Going in to the elimination, there are a lot of things in consideration.

The recap shows us everything about the scores and it's truly amazing. The Dancing with the Stars semifinalists are Brandy, Bristol, Jennifer, and Kyle.

Starting out, Brandy and Maks dedicated their performance to people who have been bullied. Bullying is a big problem in the US right now and some children have even committed suicide over it. Brandy received a 27/30 for her performance.

Jennifer Grey offered a great dance in a fringed dress, and got a 30/30.

Bristol Palin performed and did her best performance as of yet, and received a 27/30. She got a hug from Carrie Ann and a big proud smile from her mom.

Kyle Massey performed well, and got a 29 out of 30- almost perfect.

During the second dance, Brandy offered a great performance - and got a perfect score to boot. She was followed by another perfect performance from Jennifer Grey. Awesome, eh?

The Dancing with the Stars Recap will continue, as Bristol and Kyle still have to offer their performances.

Bristol got a 26/30 and Kyle received a 29/30

Who was eliminated on Dancing With The Stars? Well, we will keep you informed but we have a feeling it's going to be very suspenseful through tonight - but bookmark us and stay tuned.



  1. Bristol Can't Even Dance ! ! ! ! WTF ! Brandy Is Way Better ! ! ! ! !

  2. Bogus, Bogus, Bogus. This show has lost ALL credibility. No way that Bristol Palin belongs in the final instead of Brandy.

    Her mom probably has all of Alaska voting !!!

  4. Brandy :( if voters are like this in 2012, we are screwed. I am sick of the whole underdog act! I was looking forward to Kyle winning third, and Brandy and Jennifer fighting for the trophy, but NO! We should just hand over the trophy to Jennifer right now...

  5. Bristol shoul've been out 3-4 weeks ago if not sooner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch, she's gonna eliminate Jennifer and Derick next week!

  6. I think all those tea-baggers are setting e-mail lists and voting for her. She can't even dance!

  7. I hope Bristol wins the whole she-bang and ABC is left to deal with mess they created! This used to be such a good, entertaining show but it has become nothing but a mockery of itself. Maks needs to show some self-respect and NEVER dance on this show again.

  8. this show is getting whacked! for the past so many weeks good dancers have been eliminated, and Bristol is still on there? Come on! Brandy so deserved to be dancing in the finals. That really sucks!

  9. (Next Week is the finals, thus no elimination) If Bristol wins any higher than third, I will probably bang my head on the wall all night...

  10. This is unbelievable !!!!! How can they let this happen and not say anything ?!?! This is so unfair ... So in reality, it's not the best dances that win, it's the most popular ones ! What's the point then ?!?!? Stupid show !!!! This is the last season I watch !

  11. What crap! Are people stupid or what? Brandy and Max were winners with their style this week....not Bristol! She still can't dance! She should have been gone ages ago. Tea BAGGERS - right on!!!!!!!!

  12. It would be soooo nice if politics could keep their infections out of the dance world. It infests everything including a dance competition. The show just became total bullshit. Ho hum - so boring the US of A has become...

  13. This is not right!! Brandy should be in the finals with Jennifer. I am disgusted with the people who voted for Bristol.

  14. I am disgusted that ABC was party to such a blatant hijacking of taste and judgment. Brandy, Jennifer Grey and Kyle were in a completely different category from Bristol Palin. "Teen activist"??? Seriously? And she CAN NOT DANCE.

  15. This is outrageous and not for the good. Somehow mother Palin is involved in some sort of conspiracy creating Bristol's unwarrated success.

  16. WHO is voting for her? Could anyone voting for her HONESTLY think she is a good dancer--enjoyable to watch, lively, engaging, good rythym--she's NONE of those things! I would like anyone who actually has voted for her---and there must be thousands-- to comment somewhere on why they voted for her!!

  17. I don't think I'll be watching anymore. Just a joke!!!!

  18. Brandy, should have been in the finals and Bristol should have been gone the lst night not David. Bristol is still on the show because of who her mother is and the Tea Party, and Republican party are voting for her. Bristol better enjoy herself because if they let her win, I think alot of people will stop watching Dancing with the Stars. Brandy it's okay you handle yourself with grace and class,and you knew it was a set up.

  19. Must be nice to have a mother who is a right wing whack job who can mobilize her base to ensure her undeserving daughter gets what she doesn't deserve. Real reward for excellence.

  20. I cannot believe who was eliminated - the two finalists should have been Jennifer and Brandy, who will go next week - Jennifer? Get real people, Bristol can't dance worth a s---!!! She can't even stand her partner touching her, there is no chemistry at all. Alaska voters must be getting a big cut in something for voting for her.

  21. This is crap, Bristol cannot dance for life's sake, whether she's had experience on stage or not! Out of the two, Brandy deserved to be in the finals.

  22. Too bad about your bad day! Go Bristol!!!!!!!!!

  23. It has to be thousands of tea-baggers voting for her to prove a point of some kind--and what point would that be?---reward mediocrity. Reward blandness. Reward having good connections, not good dance moves.

  24. Nothing against Bristol as a person, but frankly, I DON'T CARE IF YOU HAD A SON! YOU DON'T NEED SYMPATHY ON A DANCING SHOW!!!!!!!!!!! The idea of the contest is to watch celebrities dance well, especially in the finals... Jennifer better kick Bristol's butt! (And did you guys SEE Derek's face after the elimination, and the overall mood in the ballroom?! Rick, Brandy, and Audrina were scammed this season...

  25. Dancing with the Stars and their voters should be ashamed of themselves for eliminating Brandy, an excellent performer in favor of Bristol Palin an lovely young lady but not even in the league with the others. My loyalty to the show is over as it is for many viewers. This show is about the dance performance not the trying to performance a dance.

    It was wonderful to support Ms Palin to a certain extent but not to the extent of ignoring the excellence of the other performer.

  26. Bye Brandy!!!! Bristol whooped didn't dance as good as you, but face it,,,,,you're still just Moesha.......and you got your a$$ whooped

  27. What a joke!
    I thought Brandy should win it.
    Bristol is baaaad! She doesn't
    transition her dance moves well
    at all!

  28. The #%&*@&^ show was fixed from the begining of this season!!!!!
    Especially the walrus pup !!!!!

  29. Ch--e on your tea party!

  30. what a crock teabag this.....bristol

  31. We can’t believe this in Canada! Maks was totally KOOL in his closing comments and we feel sorry for these true winners:( J&P

  32. Bristol does not even pretend to have enthusiasm for this whole thing --- she has ZERO charisma, it is excrutiating to watch her clunk through a dance ---who is voting for her?

  33. Will not watch this show again and it was one of my favorites.
    The producers really messed up on this one.
    So shortsighted to pull in some viewers for this season with
    Bristol but losing so many for seasons to come.

  34. Teabaggers voted for Bristol Palin. This is the last season of the show I will watch. I hope Maks shows some dignity and quit dancing on DWTS.

  35. RIDICULOUS. I am sorry for Brandy, and the other worthy dancers eliminated in weeks past, by Bristol Palin. The Tea Party has infected American politics, and it has completely corrupted DWTS. This result is outrageous, and ABC is disgusting for being a party to the glorification of the Palins. This show should be discontinued; politics had no place here, and instead it has taken over. DWTS was great entertainment and a venue for great dancing. Not so much anymore. Now it's one more place for underqualified uninformed politicians to make a play for attention.

  36. "It was wonderful to support Ms Palin to a certain extent " ---the person who posted this above...why would it be wonderful to support Ms Palin...what good has she ever done for anyone?

  37. If I were Bristol, I'd bow out of the finals. She has to know she doesn't deserve to be there based on talent. Does pushing her into the finals make up for the fact her mom didn't make it into the White House?

  38. We have fox news viewers migrating to abc to vote Bristol:)

  39. Man, I wish ONE actual person who voted for Bristol would get on here and try to explain WHY !

  40. Alaska voters must be getting a big cut in something for voting for her.

    This Alaskan is getting a cut from her electricity bill. Get used to it folks, Bristol will WIN!! GO BRISTOL!!!

  41. Go have another baby Bristol. That's about all you can do because you can't dance worth a s**** - your Mommy is probably the biggest scam artist going with the voting system - this is so fixed, all because of idiotic politics. Fixed. Fixed. Fixed. Sooooooooo pathetic! Cheats! If I were Bristol, I certainly would have guilty shame written all over my face - SHE CAN'T DANCE AND SHE'LL NEVER BE AS GOOD AS THE ONES WHO ALREADY GOT ELIMINATED. PFT!

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I don't think Bristol even wanted to be in the finals -- the whole things involved tons of effort, and you could just see she wasn't invested in it like the other performers were.

  44. I can not believe this crap! Total political agenda! Palin has been consistantly in the bottom, even on her best night, yet she beat Brandy who gave a perfect score?

    Fixed agenda....you Republicans :?)

  45. This is so completely unfair, that frankly the producers of Dancing With The Stars need to look at the way contestants are voted off.

    Brandy, who tried so hard and has come so far has been eliminated from the finals of DWTS and Bristol Palin is still in.

    We think this will in fact work against Bristol and her mother, who many believe has had a major play in Bristol getting into the finals. One of the worst dancers on the show, Bristol has not been judged on her performance but instead has been used as some kind of a pawn in American politics. The whole thing stinks.

    As we watched the heartbroken, crying Brandy, our heart broke with her.

  46. Well if that is how 2012 is going to be, I am outa here!:) No more voting for quality!

  47. All of you who have issues with the way the voting has gone should be voting! If you think it's a popularity contest, you're right - so vote for the one you want! I agree Brandy and Jennifer should have been in the finals but I don't vote so I can't complain. If you don't vote, you can't either. Dial, log on, do whatever you need to do otherwise Bristol will win the mirror ball trophy.

  48. It's not a dance competition, it's politics invading a great show we watch to try to escape news and politics!
    Please, please dwts casting people...don't ever cast the son or daughter of another popular candidate for higher office...especially a little hypocrite who still espouses abstinence after getting herself knocked up. Yeah, that worked real good for her!
    Brandy, you've got more class and grace in your little finger than the whole Palin clan...you got robbed!

  49. I will give Bristol credit for trying, but she is not in the same league as the other contestants, especially at this level. It is obvious that the "tea baggers" have been voting like crazy with or without "Mama Palin's" urging. So, the whole season is nothing but a joke and people listen up, this had better be a lesson to all of us. This country will be run by a few rather than the majority. The handwriting is on the wall. BTW, I wish I had been able to have a job as a single mother where I could take off to go dancing!

  50. "Why do you deserve to go to the finals, Bristol?"
    "Because I started out as not a performer and I have come so far."
    SO?!?!? The underdogs should have been eliminated! And honestly, Bristol is not an "underdog" like DWTS calls her... she is basically getting sympathy votes. Yes, Bristol the pistol, if you win, I will grab that pistol and.... well, um... lol JK

  51. I'll bet Bristol herself is thinking: "oh sh*t, I'm still in this thing...enough already."

  52. Watched the show from the get-go for years and am so disgusted right now. Now way should Brandy and Max have been eliminated and Bristol remaining in. She should be humiliated at the way she got the votes - she can't dance and should have gone weeks ago, now this, unreal. God Bless You and Max Brandy, you were great and we all know you should have been in the finals for a true final show to take place.

  53. Let's boycott DWTS by not watching DWTS. Let the Teabagger freaks who voted for Bristol have DWTS.

  54. If Bristol wins the whole season --- that whole DWTS franchise is going to go down--people will just be sickened by it.

  55. Be upset if you want to, but there is no reason to get personal and call Bristol names. You don't know her. You can have an opinion but you should NOT call her names and make it personal.

  56. Another joke result. ABC should be ashamed. Bristol Palin has been rubbish every week since the show began.

  57. Instead of boycotting the whole show...next week, just change channels and don't watch the commercials that come on right before or after Bristol's segments. Hit them where it hurts--vote with your remote control.

  58. Omg I will never look at dancing with the stars again Bristol has been in the bottom from day one brandy stayed in the top five the whole season......

  59. "Please, please dwts casting people...don't ever cast the son or daughter of another popular candidate for higher office.."----but Sarah Palin is not even a candidate for higher office...she's just a media mouthpiece making herself rich.

  60. OMG thought for sure it was going to be Brandy and Jennfier going for it! Really not at all sure how Brandy lost so many votes by the the viewers this week.

  61. my mother and I tried to vote for Brandy and guess what, the lines were excessively busy. Someone flooded the lines so much that Brandy would be voted off. So, when someone from DWTS says "you need to vote" that is bulls*** because if you cant get through then what gives? Brandy getting vote off! Anyway, I hope that this type of publicity gives Brandy a positive push for her career.

  62. People didn't vote for Brandy because Maks has a big mouth and a temper. I wish Brandy and Derrick were dancing together. I like them much better than Jennifer or Maks.

  63. The producers need to give more weight to the judge's scores in however they combine judges votes with public votes to avoid just this type of situation.

  64. The judges shoulve never given Bristol the marks they gave last night ! She shouldn't have gotten more than 5s if not less ! She suckssssssssssssss !!! BIG TIME !
    The judges are partly to blame !!
    They's probably republicans !

  65. This makes no sense - The judges votes should count for more if
    the general population begin rigging results based not on dancing
    ability but for political gain. What is happening to America - our so
    un united states.

  66. Last night the judges gave her points that were WAY to generous. Her performance was markedly inferior to the others...and yet she got almost as many points from the judges.

  67. Ask yourself: How did Bristol get on this show in the first place. She is NOT a star! I thought the show was called "Dancing with the STARS". They should change the name to Dancing with the Pro's. It was so heartbreaking to see Brandy leave. I'm already getting a bad feeling about the final. If Jennifer is still around, she'll get my vote, that is, if I can get thru on the phone line. It was BUSY all nite!

  68. I think all of you are idiots! All these shows are popularity contests and the one with the most votes (not best moves...) WINS! It's been this way from the start. Why is everyone all of a sudden just now waking up? It's a TV show for crying out loud!

  69. Bristol Beating out Brandy is an Abomination & Travesty of Justice!!! The Name of The Show Should Be Changes to: "Dancing With The Tea-Party"
    * ~~~ "Go Mediocrity" ~~~ *

  70. I can guarantee the TEABAGGERS will TEABAG Jennifer Grey and Derek Hough so fat stiff obnoxious Bristol Palin will win the trophy on DWTS.

  71. Wow you guys are so mean and hateful! Bristol has done an awesome job improving. She has never had "Hollywood" experience like the other 3 that have been before cameras. Maybe the reason people vote for her is that they can relate to their own journey if they were on DWTS. You guys need to stop hating. She danced awesome yesterday.

  72. laura said...
    I knew from the first week that this was going
    to be political,unfortunately I was right. This
    is not a DANCE contest. This is a political
    platform,shame on you. Bristol you really didn't
    win tonight your mother did,I feel sorry for you.

  73. I love Bristol!! I voted so many times for her, my fingers are practically numb. We (her fans) have vowed to give her that mirror ball. We will make it happen folks. Gotta go soak my fingers, will need them next Tuesday for the big finale!!

  74. Like the previous person said : Bristol has NO BUSINESS there ! She's NOT a STAR and never will be ! Get her the f outta there !!!!

  75. I've watched the every week and I was beside myself when they announced that Bristol made it to the finals. It's like I was in an alternate universe. I just don't get it? Seems like this whole season was hijacked from the start! Don't think I'll be watching anymore - I'm over it !!

  76. "All these shows are popularity contests and the one with the most votes (not best moves...) WINS!"---why in the world would Bristol Palin be popular?-- there's nothing exceptional about her, a single mom who is a receptionist--there are lots of women like her all over, and power to them, but that doesn't make them or her "stars". It's her mother that for some insane reason is popular with a sub-section of the population...and they are fanatical enough to vote her non-dancing daugher into the finals of a dance competition.

  77. "I love Bristol!! I voted so many times for her, my fingers are practically numb."----Why? Seriously,...why...what do you love about her or her dancing ability? Name one thing.

  78. I am not saying Bristol has not improved, she has, but at this stage of the competition, the better dancers are supposed to be in the finals, and sorry to break it to you, Bristol fans, but Bristol is nowhere near Kyle, Jennifer, and Brandy as far as dancing goes... She should have been out either the week Audrina got out, or the week Rick did, or TV night with the monkey suit catastrophe...

  79. The Name of The Show Should Be Changes to: "Dancing With The TeaBaggers"
    * ~~~ "Go Mediocrity" ~~~ *

  80. To the person who wrote : "I love Bristol!! I voted so many times for her, my fingers are practically numb. We (her fans) have vowed to give her that mirror ball. We will make it happen folks. Gotta go soak my fingers, will need them next Tuesday for the big finale!! "
    Why don't you go and get yourself a life ! Dumba$$ !!!

  81. You're supposed to vote for the person who dances the best ! NOT THE ONE THAT you like most !!!!! This show is bull !!!!

  82. to the person who commented ""I love Bristol!! I voted so many times for her, my fingers are practically numb. We (her fans) have vowed to give her that mirror ball. --- Why?

  83. WHY would anyone vote for her? To make a point about an insane going-back-50-yrs political agenda? For that, you'd ruin a show about DANCING?!

  84. They're not gonna say why ... They can't say the real reason they voted for her ! We all know they didn't vote for her because of her dancing talent .. she's got none !

  85. "I love Bristol!! I voted so many times for her, my fingers are practically numb."----Why? Seriously,...why...what do you love about her or her dancing ability? Name one thing.

    Where do I begin!! Bristol is a breath of fresh air, I love her shyness, her perseverance, her ability to improve her performance despite being assaulted by verbal assassinators....

  86. The judges should have an override vote when it's obviously a poor choice by the voters at home. Ugh. What a crying shame. I predict a win by Bristol of the mirror ball trophy regardless of talent. Too many voters calling in for Bristol for the others to compete for phone lines. Worst results show ever.

  87. I think Palin should withdraw from the competition--and let Brandy compete.

  88. BUT....if Bristol should not be in the finals as some of you think, then she should not have been invited on the show. With absolutely no back ground AT ALL on dancing.....she is being rewarded for how well she is doing and how far she has come. PLUS....popularity! goes along way on this show, so get over it or don't watch the show. It is awesome when the best dancer wins, it really is, but even better would be to see someone like Bristol win on such grand improvement. As for Tea Baggers as the above comment makes. I say go Tea Baggers!! Oh, excuse me, I think that is Tea Party!!!!!!

  89. She will never withdraw, she a selfish B?&%" like her mother !

  90. "Bristol is a breath of fresh air, I love her shyness, her perseverance, her ability to improve her performance despite being assaulted by verbal assassinators...."---Very few have been verbally assassinating her...people have actually been quite kind about her. So, you would want her to win a dance competition...something that others are busting their butts to win...because she's shy and has shown SOME very limited improvement. You would feel she DESERVES to win because she's shy and has improved. ppffft!

  91. I agree with the above post...she should never have been invited on the show. Being a teen activist is not being a star....

  92. Keep in mind everyone that Bristol is a person and she does not deserve hatred like you guys apparently have for her and her mom. I didn't vote for her mom, but I don't hate her. And as far as the tea party, this is America and we are all Americans and they have a right to exist. You guys should think before you write. She's just a young girl that decided to compete in dance and she's done a good job. Everyone can vote for whoever they want. Not everyone is a dance expert like the judges. They vote for the one they like to watch dance. Let go of your anger. It's just a program and a dumb trophy.

  93. "but even better would be to see someone like Bristol win on such grand improvement."----GRAND improvement? Have you actually been watching her performances? Even last night, at her supposed most improved...she was so leaden and heavy in her steps and body position...she is wooden and doesn't even react to the music. I don't even understand why "she" is popular---she is obviously not...it's her insane mother that people are rigging this competition for.

  94. It is so Incredulous that Bristol Scored Higher than "Moesha" (Brandy), The Name of the Show Should Be Changed to: "Dancin' With The Elephants"
    * ~~~ Jerald Andrews ~~~ *

  95. Wom Jerald, obviously you are perfect! But have your eyes examined. Bristol is not fat, she's just doesn't have an eating disorder like everyone in Hollywood. Is it necessary to be mean?

  96. I feel bad for Bristol. She is innocent. The people who keep voting for her is crazy. Brandy has no business getting eliminated. I think Bristol should step up to the plate and tell her fans to stop voting for her because she really is not a good dancer,

  97. Bristol is not a person. She a fat knocked up teen that cant dance !!!

  98. She may or may not be fat--who cares, the remaining male contestant actually is a bit fat..and again,...who cares? The point is...she CAN't DANCe !

  99. I think the person who wrote the prevoius comment "Wom Jerald, obviously you are perfect! But have your eyes examined. Bristol is not fat, she's just doesn't have an eating disorder like everyone in Hollywood. Is it necessary to be mean? " is also FAT !

  100. We are not being mean and hateful,Bristol did an o.k job for a none dancer,but the name of the show is dancing with the STARS and she should have been off the show weeks ago actually she shouldn't have been on the show to begin with. Totally political.....I will never watch this show again. I hope your making this your last season because you'll only have mother and the first dude watching.

  101. YES absolutely, SHE CANT DANCE ! You are right ! Wether she's fat or not is irrelevant ... She cannot dance for shi& !

  102. Bristol is obviously so uncomfortable actually dancing...that is why she gets that "blanked-out" look the judges keep commenting on...she's worrying about the dance steps---it's not her fault, but she is simply not a good dancer and the voters should have released her from her misery instead of making her stay to get free publicity for her godforsaken crazy mother.

  103. Bristol will be rewarded with the mirror ball trophy, because this poor girl has been persecuted by so many. I will enthusiastically vote for her numerous times.

  104. I hope this show gets cancelled soon ! Absolutely RIDICULOUS !!!

  105. "Bristol will be rewarded with the mirror ball trophy, because this poor girl has been persecuted by so many. I will enthusiastically vote for her numerous times."----who is persecuting her? She's been winning a place in the show week after week despite bad performances. She's not being persecuted...she's being rewarded for incredibly mediocre and substandard dancing. No one could say she is a better dancer or more fun to watch than Brandy--watching Bristol is painful.

  106. I can't believe that Brandy and Maks were eliminated. They along with Jennifer and Derek were the best dancers, and should be competing in the finals. This kind of thing makes the show look bad. The professional judges decisions should carry the most wait. Bristol Palin may be a decent human being but she has NO TALENT for dancing. How can you cheat people who have worked so hard? I guess this happens everyday
    but we just don't see it on national TV. I hope this hits ABC where it hurts, in the pocketbook.
    Disgraceful, disgusting,unprofessional, etc.

  107. 100% agree with the previous comment "."----who is persecuting her? She's been winning a place in the show week after week despite bad performances. She's not being persecuted...she's being rewarded for incredibly mediocre and substandard dancing. No one could say she is a better dancer or more fun to watch than Brandy--watching Bristol is painful. "
    WELL said !

  108. this was one of the few good shows left on ABC and now they managed to screw it up ... !! Bravo ABC !

  109. It would have been great tonight if when they asked "why should you be in the finals?" she had answered "to be honest, in all fairness, I shouldn't be in the finals."

  110. If you think you're mad now, wait till her mom is the president. I cannot wait. The mirror ball trophy and the White House, man that's cool.

  111. "wait till her mom is the president. I cannot wait. "---if Sarah Palin ever became president the USA would be lost...lost...lost.

  112. Anonymous said...
    It is so Incredulous that Bristol Scored Higher than "Moesha" (Brandy), The Name of the Show Should Be Changed to: "Dancin' With The Elephants"
    * ~~~ Jerald Andrews ~~~ *
    November 16, 2010 10:06 PM
    Anonymous said...
    Wom Jerald, obviously you are perfect! But have your eyes examined. Bristol is not fat, she's just doesn't have an eating disorder like everyone in Hollywood. Is it necessary to be mean?

    Okay, I think the Jerald guy was referring to the "elephant" being a Rupublican symbol... idk... but the mirror ball should DEFINITELY go to Jennifer... because, I don't know... SHE CAN DANCE THE BEST?!?!?!

  113. Please remember, Bristol has no personal control over the voting....so don't be harsh on her...she is trying and has improved greatly, and although she would have been the likely one to exit tonight, don't belittle her...she did not determine the outcome herself.

  114. Do any of you posting comments above understand how the show works?? Evidently, your mouthing and not voting. Oh, I believe you are voting, you are just not the majority!!!!! Sorry, don't take it out on Bristol. She is doing a great job for someone that has probably never danced in her life. If you want to be a winner, JOIN THE TEA PARTY! POPULARITY COUNTS!

  115. To WOM: When I said the name of the show should be changed to: "Dancing With The Elephants" I was referring to the Republican Party, not Bristol's Weight!!! "U Go Girl"(Smile)
    * ~~~ Jerald Andrews ~~~ *

  116. At first Brandy looked pissed and had a look on her face like "are you kidding me?"-- and I wish she had stayed that way instead of crying. Brandy you rock!

  117. Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. if it changes your life, let it. GO Bristol!!!!

  118. I think the judge's scores should count for more--- not to discount public opinion, but to prevent something like this,---someone who has been in the bottom two nearly every week from making it into the finals.

  119. "If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands."---what FIRST chance has Bristol Palin been denied?

  120. The poor girl clearly does not even want to be there -- she's being used by her media-hungry Mom for publicity.

  121. ATTENTION TEA PARTY MEMBERS!!! Good job, show these fools who runs this country. Make Bristol the Pistol a DWTS champion!! Make her mom the prez in 2012.

  122. Some people just talk to talk .. not necessarily because anything that comes out of their mouth makes sense but more so because they would like to share useless info !
    "Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. if it changes your life, let it. GO Bristol!!!! "
    What the F&^% does this have anything to do with anything you dumb F%^$ ???

  123. "ATTENTION TEA PARTY MEMBERS!!! Good job, show these fools who runs this country. Make Bristol the Pistol a DWTS champion!! " ----Great, ruin a perfectly good dance competition just because you "can"...oh yay.

  124. By the way, being in the bottom two does not mean both teams have the lowest scores. It may be she has been scoring higher and the producers are playing you.

  125. Only the tea-baggers would sink low enough to make a friggin' dance competition into an attempt at a political statement. Why don't you stop wasting your time phoning in dance competition votes and instead, phone your Republican leaders to get them to stop blocking any political action whatsoever that would get this country moving again.

  126. "By the way, being in the bottom two does not mean both teams have the lowest scores. It may be she has been scoring higher and the producers are playing you."--- what?

    Being in the bottom two means that those teams had the lowest two scores made up of some undisclosed formula of judge's scores and viewer votes.

  127. Bristol's improved about as much as Kate Gosselin improved........notta! All tea party politic voting. Obvious, isn't it? Scam!

  128. If Bristol win, I will be embarrassed.... by the utter stupidity of our country. What will the other countries think if we had a political relative who CANNOT dance as well as Jennifer and Kyle win?! Oh, and sorry to get politics into this, but the Tea Party scares me and if Palin wins in 2012, me and about half the nation will probably move to Canada...

  129. This show is done. Worthless. There's no point in watching anymore.

    And for everyone wondering why people are voting for Bristol: there are a lot of dumb people who have no capability for rational thought. They get passionate and emotional without ever using what little brainpower they may have. They aren't smart enough to be able to separate their biases and predispositions from the situation at hand. In this case, it's a dance show, not a political statement. The Tea Party epitomizes this anti-intellectualism movement and it's scary to see how many fools are buying into it. Good job America! Keep sinking to the bottom of the intelligence continuum!

  130. I really don't understand all the hatred towards Bristol! She cannot vote for herself!! I thought the whole idea of DWTS was to watch stars with no obvious dancing talent to get better week after week. Now most of the stars know how to dance and get to compete with maybe 2 or 3 people that have never danced before! Is this fair??? What happened to seasons like when Emmett was on with Cheryl Burke, that is what the show is about. Brandy was voted off, so what, I think she was way over confident and too sure of herself. Maks' outburst last week I am sure didn't help her in any way. Brandy is nothing but a snooty diva, I think Kyle deserves to be in the finals a lot more than Brandy.

  131. There are so many Bristol bashers! I am not a republican or democrat but the show is supposed to be about someone who can't dance but can be taught. She has probably come farther in that respect. I think Brandy was sent home because Maks has been such a brat to most of his former partners. I see it as a "payback" for for his rude behavior. Brandy was a beautiful dancer and Kyle Massey is no Emmitt Smith. I think Jennifer Grey should win and I hope she does. She learned ballroom from Derek and also progressed each week as they should in this venue. The judges scores need to carry more weight than the viewer votes so the finals will be judged purely on dancing skills by the judges and not the public. I think the judges should have veto power over the public.In a case like this Brandy would not have been sent home. Give more power to the judges who know what they are doing.

  132. I know! Nothing against Bristol, she has a wonderful attitude and has done the best she can under the circumstances.... I just seem to think that some of the Republican voters are in way over their heads to keep her in this long... but I think she may be the "Kelly Osborne" of this season. Sure, I do not agree she should be in the finals, but we should be a gracious audience next week and be happy if Bristol performs well... I am not saying to become a full-Bristol fan, just be happy for her and be a tolerable audience!
    And, I hope Brandy takes that offer to do a freestyle next week! She SOOOO deserves to do one, and it would be good closure for her and all of the shocked fans...


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