Tuesday, November 2, 2010

“Gossip Girl” Episode 7, Season 4

"Gossip Girl" episode 7 season 4 had an awesome ending, although some would venture to say that the rest of the episode was filled with ridiculous fluff. However, Gossip Girl is one of the best TV shows around and one I enjoy watching each week.

Episode 7 centers on a 20th birthday celebration for Blair, which "has to be" perfect and of course will be ruined by another cast member.

Blair and Chuck started the episode by signing a legal document that said that they wouldn't destroy one another - but that doesn't keep everyone else from trying to ruin things.

And that's what Dan does - he conspires to take down Blair and Chuck for what they did to Jenny.

The convoluted mess of a plot continues, and it's a little bit too much to believe. However in the end, even though Blair to Chuck to get lost at her party she finds him lurking around her apartment. He says they have to reneg on their agreement, because they can't be amicable. Then, they start making out.

Did "Gossip Girls" Episode 7 season 4 bring us "enemies with benefits"? I'm crossing my fingers, how about you?

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