Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Who Got Voted off Dancing with the Stars 11/2010 [DWTS RESULTS]

Who Got Voted off Dancing with the Stars 11/2010 [DWTS RESULTS] Who Got voted off dancing with the Stars? In another strange twist of events, the results of DWTS has once again given us a "Shocking" elimination. For instance, it wasn't Kyle Massey or Bristol Palin who were eliminated - although they had some of the lowest judges scores.

It was Rick Fox.

Rick was dubbed the "Jolly Green Giant" after this week's performance, which he delivered almost flawlessly looking oh-so-dapper in a bright green suit.

Props to Rick for wearing the green suit. That's gotta count for something?

But it doesn't. There's every bit as the same amount of outrage over Rick Fox getting voted off Dancing with the Stars as there was Audrina Patridge last week. We are left with Jennifer Grey, Brandy, Kyle Massey, Bristol Palin, and Kurt Warner.

Kyle and Bristol will be the next two to go, but I don't know in which order.

Each week, voting becomes more and more crucial to a contestant's chances at staying.

So now you know who got voted off Dancing with the Stars and the 11/2010 DWTS results. What are your thoughts?


  1. No, Palin won't go until the final, when the judges get to actually decide. Isn't it obvious that when "Mama Bit-", uh, I mean "Mama Grizzly" wants something, she'll destroy anything that stands in her way. And Mama G wants her daughter Bristol to win, no matter the cost. I'd love to see the phone logs of who calls Palin's numbers. I'll bet there's banks of computers robo-calling on Monday nights.

    When your mother is the biggest bully on the block, you don't worry about silly little things like talent. You know she'll make sure her little (unwed mother) princess makes it to the final, no matter who she has to cheat.

  2. What a load of crap. Has anyone considered they may be 2 seperate people. Although I am NOT a Sarah palin fan, I really find Bristol to be endearing and a pleasure to watch. Could u imagine being in her shoes.

  3. Fox out and Palin still in. I have watched this show since season one and this is the worst ever. Are you kidding, Bristol has no talent and many have left with so much more to offer. Shameful! Is this what US politics are all about?
    My favourite show is going down the drain and so will your ratings......
    Very disappointed.
    PEI Canada

  4. Bristol Palin should of been booted off weeks ago. Her mother has a hand in this cheating and to think her daughter is good enough to make it to the finals is all bull. Cheating politics has reached our TV shows. Its so obvious Bristol wasn't born with it. She cannot dance, cannot act, and is not television material & never will be in her life time.

  5. I will never believe Bristol Palin had more phone votes then the much better dancers. Sorry Bristol, stick close to home & stay home where you belong. You don't have anything sexy about you whatsoever.

  6. Lots of bitterness here! I would like to see any of you try and do what Bristol is doing. No, I don't think she should win, but I have seen a lot of stars go farther than they should!

  7. stop with ridiculous hating of Ms.Palin. It's a vote by the majority. SHe is working as hard as all of them, and considering the lack of experience, is holding her own just fine. Getting closer to the finals-they're all working to their best ability. Just enjoy it for what it is:entertainment. so, if you don't like the voting, stop watching!

  8. Wow!! I love how people just state their opinions as facts... with absolutely no proof. Why so much hatred?

  9. "It always a republican being corrupt (Sara Palin)when things don't go the way the libs want ... but if Bristol were the daughter of Nancy Pelosi ... it would be Bristol is so innocent and pleasure to watch, then they would insist she deserves to stay in the contest?"

    You libs have to bring corruption and politics into everything! Go take a hike ... I hope Bristol wins the whole contest!

  10. What the heck is this dancing with the stars all about. The worst season ever, watched everyone, but have not seen politics like this in any show ever. Good thing I did not watch it last nite, because from the last week, new that they were going to try to keep Bristol Palin till the bittr end for the popularity of the show. Cheaters are everywhere....if the public is complaining about Bristol, there is no way she has those votes....Fox, you suck as you cheat...Bristol must have been gone on the first day....Not watching the show any more ever...

  11. Bristo is a delight to watch!Shes not
    a star,but works for what she's got.
    id much rather watch her and vote for
    her every week than put up with that
    DIVA crap that follows jennifer and
    brandy!(crybabies!)i havent seen
    bristol cry once!its all about the
    popular vote.just like last night!!
    go bristol! i hope you win!
    she may not be the best dancer,but
    every american loves those who work
    for what they've got!she always has
    my vote!

  12. I'd take Bristol Palin over Brandy any day now's she's needs to go... and Kyle should have been gone already... bring someone else back... I'd agree not the best season on DWTS. Hoping for better celebs next year! Not sure about watching the rest of the season. Do enjoy watching Derek dance

  13. I agree, well said.

  14. Angry liberals should stop watching or complaining. Nothing to do with politics at all but you always have to make it so when you dont like the results.

  15. You are right...the show is about dancing, not politics...Everyone know Bristol can't dance...but the voters have made it political, so now the show is a farce. Republicans always back their own, no matter what. What a joke!

  16. Many of these post confirm my observation that the most intolerant group in the US are the libs. Remember when they stood for tolerance? It was a lie.

  17. I don't enjoy it as much when the best dancers are not the ones who return each week. In seasons past it happened occasionally, but usually it righted itself in a week or so. This season a couple of the best dancers have been eliminated and much less talented ones are still on the show. The quality of the dancing usually goes up every week, especially at the end. It's not going to happen with the people who are left.

  18. This is exactly why I won't watch the show anymore. They scrapped the bottom of the barrel when the asked Palin to be on.

  19. Politics has gone too far when one person can't even comment on a show without the name calling. This liberal thinks you GOPs don't have anything else to fall back on but name calling. The whole point of this session is that Bristol Palin should have been voted off already. AND I will restate the obvious: Bristol cannot dance. I don't care how hard she tries or works at it she is by far the worst dancer. I think she should of got voted off before Florence!

    Thw whole voting premise that both Dances with the Stars and American Idol use is backwards. What we should be voting on is not our favorite, but who we feel should be voted off. That way, we could avoid this issue of those with bigger fan base staying longer because of popularity and not because of talent.

  20. It really is a poor season to say the least. You know, even the judges have been overly nice and not really saying all the nasty things they have to other contestants when it comes to judging Bristol. How about when she was in that silly monkey suit and forgot all the dance moves and just stood there?! Was that such a "pleasure" to watch? The judges just fluffed that giant blunder over! Pathetic. It's outrageous that she is still in the game. It really comes down to politics...all the tea party votes and republicans going crazy. The show itself should be in question for even entertaining having her on in the first place. Why Bristol Palin on dancing with the stars???? Guess the show has a slight "red" streak running through it. She never should have been asked to be a contestant and the judges would rip anyone else to shreds if they performed as poorly and as blantenly bad as Bristol. I imagine the same voters are just thrilled with her mother's new reality show Sarah Palin's Alaska...they should name it..the Alaska she told to take a flying leap when she left office early!! The more BS that whole family puts out there...the better the chances are of Sarah not running for office in the future. Like mother like talent.

  21. Everyone is talking about how Bristol shouldn't be on there and she must not have those vote becuz everyone is complaining.. You don't see ppl praising her because those ppl have the class to not act like cry babies. It's a show that's all about the voting I know I voted for Bristol 12 times this past week. She has worked her ass of, yea she's not the greatest but she isn't crying like brandy or Jennifer. It's not bristols fault her mom is Sarah palin. If you don't like how the show is goin then please by all means stop watching. I hope Kyle and Bristol both make it to the end just to shut every one up.. Bristol has my vote all the way.

    Hope everyone has a nice day

  22. Well, at least the "cry babies" are both stars and they CAN dance! DWTS is about dancing! I reiterate Bristol Palin is not a star and she can't dance. She is a "poor little rich girl" who should really still be attending highschool and caring for her son...but the Palins have $$$ so she can hire a nanny while she is on the show. If she wins, the show should be cancelled for being hypocritical. The voters should be voting for the best dancer, not the political typical of the Republicans and now the Tea Party members.

  23. Liberals are complainers when things don't go their way....Bristol is pretty darn good for someone whith absolutely no dancing experience. I'd vote for her any day over some of the others who are professional dancers or entertainers.

  24. I had never watched the show before this season.
    Turned it on just to see Bristol. Bet I'm not the only one. The producers were pretty smart to invite her. By her own admission, she is not a dancer and not a star--pretty gutsy of her to learn how to dance with the world watching. Would you?

  25. I think that Brandy should have stayed and it was Bristol's time to leave. If people would have listened to what the judges have said about each person's dances, then they should have voted the right person to stay. And I do not think that Bristol's mom has anything to do with her staying on the show, if other's are trying to make a political statement out of this. Then they should think again, this show is just about good old fashion fun and learning. Not only for us as the views, but also for the stars too. I'm sure that it's a wonderful challenge for them.


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