Thursday, November 4, 2010

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart 'Breaking Dawn' Updates

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart are working hard at Breaking Dawn production. The film starring Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart will be released next year. The internet, Twitter, and rumor mills are all ablaze with rumors about not only the fourth Twilight film, but also the actor and actress's personal relationship.

Breaking Dawn is the part of the Saga where the couple becomes Husband and Wife. They have a child together, which nearly kills Bella [Stewart]. Part of the movie that will have the biggest buzz is the "vampire c-section birthing scene."

The scene won't be as graphic and gory as it could have been if the production crew allowed the film to become rated R.

Right now, the biggest buzz is about the "honeymoon scene" from Breaking Dawn. According to Hollywood Gossip, Robert Pattinson is getting ready for it by taking boating lessons in Louisiana. How...romantic.

What I want to know, though is when the REAL "honeymoon scene" between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart will take place.

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