Friday, November 5, 2010

"The Vampire Diaries" Season 2, Episode 8; ‘Rose’

"The Vampire Diaries" season 2, episode 8, "Rose" was a hot episode. America is obsessed with the undead, and Vampire Diaries is right up there with True Blood and the Twilight Series as hot and addicting.

Last night, we finally learned why Elena is so important - she's a crucial part of the curse that gives Vampires their weakness. Now, "The Originials", or a group of really old vamps are trying to hunt down Elena and kill her.

Rosemarie and Trevor are two 500 year old vampires who kidnapped Elena are the ones who shared the story with her and the rest of the audience. Elena's fate is in their hands. However, it's revealed that the two have been on the run from "The Originals" and intend on giving Elena to them as a peace offering.

Elena is rescued, and Trevor is decapitated. Elijah is presumed dead, but we see him pull his pole out of his middle and now we know he's still on the hunt for Elena. In a real world, they would have just cut off his head.

What did you think of "The Vampire Diaries" season 2 episode 8, Rose?


  1. How could you forget to mention the confessional? Even as a guy, I was moved. Girls were definitely screaming, but I really felt Damon's pain. This show is a guilty pleasure and I find myself having to really defend my street cred with other dudes. But it's like a literature: doesn't matter if it's a mystery, drama, etc., if it's good, it's good.

  2. Stefan and Damon bonding in his Camaro? They reminded me of the gay couple in a VW ad.
    The tear-drop scene was deeply moving. It's a scene that gets into your heart and is poignant with heartbreak for Damon. Both Elena and Damon gave a richly emotional performance.


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