Friday, November 5, 2010

'Undercovers' Cancelled by NBC

Undercovers cancelled by NBC. Another TV show has bit the dust, as "Undercovers" has been canceled by NBC. The show joins "Lonestar" "My Generation" and others as shows that did not make it through their pilot season before getting canceled.

Viewers are frustrated with networks shooting down shows before they had a chance to develop. Sure, you have to worry about ratings and everything - but don't you think there are other issues at hand as well? For instance, when Lonestar was canceled there were so many people who were upset with the decision by the network.

"Undercovers" is no different.

Despite being created by J.J. Abrams, the man behind "Lost" and "Alias", "Undercover" never really caught on with the fans.

I'm personally bummed because we haven't found out the entire story of why the couple were let go by the CIA in the first place. I don't think we will ever know now.

What do you think about "Undercovers" canceled?


  1. undercovers fans tell NBC how you feel by helping sign the petition please spread the word so we can help save this show!!

  2. Been reading other news reports about Undercovers being canceled. Their concern was that the characters were not fully developed and that JJ Abraham of Lost and Cloverfield fame, was a “in name only” person when it came to the show. I really don’t think he had too much to do with the show. His trait is hooking people in on surreal suspense. That was not there in Undercovers like it was with Lost and Cloverfield. He did Alias so he should know what makes a spy show work. Also, the viewership that it did bring in was probably mostly Black. That is not enuff of us to keep a show on without white audiences.

  3. Really liked this show. Seems that's when you get cancelled. Maybe the 8:00 time is too early for this type show.

    Will miss it. One of the few shows on NBC worth watching.

  4. Sorry, but I am a middle aged white woman and I loved the show. Really sorry to see it go.

  5. Really love this show! Don't want it to get cancelled! Is there something we can do to keep it on??

  6. This show was terrific. I cannot believe NBC cancelled it. My hope is that another network will pick it up. It seems like all the good quality shows that show intelligence and love get the boot. What is wrong with our society. I am sure it will be replaces with some trashy reality show.


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