Cartoon characters from the 70's, 80's, and 90's are going to light up Facebook. Why? On Monday December 6, people are going to take to Facebook and change their avatar to cartoon characters to raise awareness of Child Abuse.
The Child Abuse Awareness month isn't until April, but it's never a bad idea to raise awareness about our most precious members of society.
The awareness push came about after the death of Zahra Baker and also after three young brothers from Michigan went missing in a bizarre parental kidnapping case. The boys went missing from their Morenci area home in Michigan. Their father, the last to see them alive, is in Ohio in jail after refusing to waive extradition to Michigan. It's not expected that the boys, aged 5, 7, and 9, are not expected to be found alive.
So where can you find the 70's 80's and 90's cartoon characters for your Facebook page? Here are a couple of photos below. You can also do a Google image search as well.

This is great, but since all the posts I have seen said to pick a character from your childhood, there are many characters from the 50s and 60s too! ;)